Markaz Public School Koyilandy

About Us


Striving to chisel the character of the young minds in a manner that they do get comprehensive in sights to their share of responsibility to their family, the society and the nation and an enlightening glance to the godly and worldly purpose behind life.


To facilitate the optimum flourish of the god-given talents of the student community by providing incessant exposure to a Variety of experiences which will effectively refine their spiritual, social, cultural, cognitive, emotional and psychoz-motor domains to mould the personalities of the learners inclucating in them a sound sense of moralities which will remain a torch of their realization of multi-dimensional targets in life.

A Markaz Institution

Markazu Ssaquafathi Ssunniya is the leading academic and charitable organization in India. Established in the year 1978 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, Markaz is running different educational and charitable institutions spreading all over India. The governing body of the Society includes a team of reputed scholars and active social workers who are experts in their respective fields. It has been the patron of the unprivileged population and champion of constructive education with solid spiritual foundations. We impart a system of education combined with modern curriculum and moral upbringing. Here, even the ultra modern educated abides the laws of the country and is committed to guard the true faith with utmost respect to his fellow beings.


MPS Koyilandy is an institution aims at providing diverse positive experience to the students inside and outside the class room. Support of digital resources,  focussed science education, moral education, shaping of skills and leadership, relevance to  and health and physical education are a few among its prime features.